GNI Students Visit USA

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GNI Students Visit Leading Universities in USA

GNI Students in Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago with Dr. Mary Dawson Associate Vice President, IIT

GNI group at Campbellsville University, Kentucky with Dr. Haralu, Dean International Affairs

Gift Exchange with Dr. Kieth Spears, Vice President Campbellsville University, Kentucky

GNI Alumni Meet at Chicago

Group at national Corvette Museum, Blowing Green, Kentucky

Students enjoying at Niagara Falls

Students benefitted with exposure to three leading US Universities Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Campbellsville University and New York Institute of Technology.

GNI Students likely to get unique privilege to complete MS in one and a half years.

GNI group at NYIT, New York

20 students of GNI visited USA from July 13 to July 27, 2016. This was third educational trip of GNI to USA’s leading institutions. Visas of all students were processed based on invitations from these universities under student exchange program with GNI. Most of students received 10 years visas.

On July 15, students visited Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago city. Dr Mary Dawson Associate Vice-President appraised the students about facilities, courses and admission procedure.

Later on July 18th Campbellsville University, Kentucky hosted the visit for 3 days. Students were provided boarding and lodging by the university. Students were made to visit various departments, understand different courses that the university offered and an excursion was arranged. University also arranged industrial visit to Corvette car manufacturing unit and National Corvette Museum at Green Bowling near Campbellsville.

New York Institute of Technology arranged orientation and campus visit of students in their Columbus Circle, Manhattan- campus in heart to New York City. “It’s a life time experience to visit these leading institutions in USA” said by Mr. Aditya Allam Rao, student from the group. “I am delighted that I have 10 years multiple entries US visa, this is all due to our GNI’s management”, said Afzoon Bhutool another student.

Later students also visited Niagara Falls and enjoyed excursion to Columbus Zoo.

GNI is planning a structure under the signed MoU with New York Institute of Technology where B Tech final year students of GNI can clear first semester courses online for Masters at NYIT during their B Tech project at GNI. This will save 6 months expenditure of tuition, boarding and lodging at New York Institute of Technology for doing MS degree.

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